+61 (03) 9370 8906

Enrolment Procedure

We welcome your enrolment enquiry. To get the best feel of our school and to determine whether it is right for your child’s educational and developmental needs it is important that you arrange a visit to the school.

We would be very happy to arrange a tour once enrolment eligibility has been confirmed.

To get started, have a look at our virtual tour.

Your child’s education is important. Please take the opportunity to visit us and view first-hand what we can offer to best meet the needs of your child. 

Enquiries for enrolment come from many sources – usually from parents, but also from directors of kindergartens and from principals and teachers at government and independent schools, acting on behalf of, and in consultation with a child’s parents.

Doctors, Educational Psychologists and Speech Pathologists also regularly enquire about student placements on behalf of parents.

Enrolment at the school is based on a child’s educational needs and a recommendation of eligibility from a registered psychologist. Students must be deemed eligible for support from the Disability Inclusion Funding and Support.

To be eligible for admission, students must meet the following criteria:

1.   Students must be eligible for funding under ‘Intellectual Disability’ criteria of the Department’s Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD).

The criteria includes a diagnosis of a FSIQ (50-70) by a psychologist and a Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale score (50-70).

2.   Students must be at least 5 years of age by 30th April of the year in which admission is sought.

3.   Sighted copy of original birth certificate.

4.   Sighted copy of original immunisation certificate.

5.   Current Speech Pathologist report. (if applicable)

6.   Current Occupational Therapist report. (if applicable)

7.   The student must be an Australian citizen or the student must hold appropriate visas. Information regarding enrolment of overseas students may be obtained from the International Studies Unit (03) 9637 2202.

Those eligible are then enrolled at the school with parent consent.

Student intake may be at any stage of the year and at any age level.

If you require further information please contact the school and ask for the Enrolment Officer who will be delighted to assist you with your enquiry or email us at ascot.vale.heights.sch@education.vic.gov.au

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