Physical Education and Health
At Ascot Vale Heights School we give all of our students an opportunity to be physically active in many different ways and believe that it is essential for our students to develop physical health and well-being as well as cognitive, social, and emotional development. Our session offers a range of games, to develop basic motor skills, game organisation, teamwork and team strategies.
The Physical Education and Health program aligns with the Victorian Curriculum A-D Level and Foundation to Level 4 within the domains of Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. Each term there will be a new skills focus for each section of the school which will tie in to the sports most popular for that season/time of year. We also offer a bicycle education program to all primary, secondary and senior students.
By exposing our students to enjoyable physical activities, we endeavour to create a positive attitude toward exercise which assists in the establishment of lifelong passion for physical fitness and health.
Foundation (Preps)
With children at this age, the main focus is on learning basic motor skills and movement patterns, which are then linked into a sport with very basic gameplay skills. There is a heavy focus on social situations such as playing a game together, taking turns and sharing equipment with peers. Students perform basic gross motor movement patterns and maintain balance and coordination as they move over and through a range of surfaces and use a range of equipment.

Primary School
Throughout the primary years, the focus of Physical Education is learning through movement and physical activity. Students will perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement challenges in the playground and in P.E sessions, such as running, jumping, throwing, catching, and kicking. These skills are essential for participation in sports, recreational activities, and everyday tasks. They will be introduced to different team sports such as Soccer, Basketball and AFL Football as well as outdoor games and activities. Students are encouraged to practise routine actions which will help them to be healthy, safe and physically active.

Secondary School
The secondary program is run in conjunction with the Interschool Sport Program, so that the sports being learnt in P.E. are the sports that the students will be playing in Interschool Sport. The skills are consolidated into gameplay situations.

Bike Ed
Students at Ascot Vale Heights School participate in bike education and many are learning to ride a bike for the first time. For those students who already know how to ride a bike, more complex skills are taught such as riding in hilled areas of the school, performing U-turns and weaving through cones. Bike Education in secondary school focuses on riding in the community with a focus on safety and bike etiquette. These sessions are often completed on a local bike track where the students gain experience in riding on different terrains with pedestrians and other cyclists.
The aim of the program is effectively to teach bike safety and promote a culture of safe and responsible cycling among children and young people

Primary Swimming lessons are conducted at a local leisure centre and are run by instructors provided by the centre. The instructors teach basic strokes and aquatic survival skills. The students are grouped according to ability, allowing the students to learn to their full potential. Students participate in the swimming program in Terms 1 and Terms 4 each year.