Principal’s Message
Dear Ascot Vale Heights Families,
Welcome to the 2024 school year! I am thrilled to be welcoming your children back to school! We have eagerly anticipated the safe start to the school year. Our continued commitment to the school values in fostering Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Cooperation and Commitment and our ability to communicate effectively in diverse learning partnerships will undoubtedly help our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Our Learning for Life Pathway makes the seamless transition from our Primary Learning Centre to Secondary Learning Centre to VPC, engaging in a dynamic learning community where students, staff and parents strive for all students to be the best they can be in their education and personal growth.
We will also continue working diligently to meet the diverse needs of our students through small group instruction across all year levels, emphasising meaningful, purposeful activities which can be applied to everyday situations and maximise the independence of each student.
As a Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support school, our deliberate work to instil tools for self-regulation and emotional wellness will carry on through lessons by our teachers, teaching assistants, specialists and allied health. Practices such as naming emotions, communicating needs and self advocacy help our students have ownership over their responses to their emotions.
We use a Team around the Learner approach to learning the personal narratives of each student in our care while working in partnership with their respective families to determine how best to meet the needs of our students.
One of the greatest characteristics of the Ascot Vale Heights School learning community is the genuine care and compassion shared between staff, students, and parents. Ascot Vale Heights School is a place where staff and families come together to ensure that the children entrusted into our care reach their full potential and become active and engaged citizens.
I look forward to an amazing year!
Nancy Sidoti